Tips and Tricks Offered by a Professional Auto Glass Replacement Service Provider
There are two types of windshield chips – the ones that can be repaired and the ones that require a complete windshield replacement. However, most cracks start as repairable chips and then develop into major problems. In other words, if you bring your car to a windshield repair center, you may be able to avoid rather expensive auto glass replacement service. But sometimes, circumstances prevent us from having our windshield repaired right away. If this is the case, then make sure you follow these guidelines in order to prevent crack spread.
Avoid sudden temperature changes on the windshield
One of the biggest mistakes you can make is wash your windshield with cold water after it stayed in the sun for a long period of time. The difference of temperature will make the crack expand instantly. You should use warm water if you want to wash your car in the summer. Furthermore, avoid directing your AC blow towards the windshield. The cool air will make the crack spread even more. Of course, for a permanent solution, hire a windshield repair specialist to seal the crack before it gets too big to be repaired.
Avoid rough driving conditions
Although this my not be avoidable, it’s wise to avoid hair-pin turns and pot-holes in the road. Rough driving conditions may produce strain on the auto glass, causing the chip to expand or the windshield to break entirely.
Cover the damage with clear tape
As a temporary solution, consider covering the crack with a clear tap until you get the chance to fix it. The tape will hold the glass pieces together and prevent dust and dirt particles from getting into the crack. However, taping your windshield is not a very good idea, especially if the damage is in your line of sight. The tape itself may produce distortions in the glass.
If your windshield is damaged, then schedule an appointment with Aaron's Auto Glass. We offer the best windshield replacement and repair services in Fort Worth, TX. Our technicians use the latest equipment and high quality products. Call us at (817) 380-9115 for more information.